Home / Eventos / DAMSWEEK / SEMANA DE BARRAGENS / Próximos Eventos
Acesse o Site Oficial do Evento: https://cbdb.org.br/evento/dams-week-2025
The Brazilian Committee on Dams - CBDB, fulfilling its primary function of producing and disseminating knowledge about engineering of dams, and in line with the expectations of its individual and corporate associates, publishes books and magazines, offers technical courses, promotes meetings and debates and organizes events, at regional and national levels, which is the case of the Damsweek 2024, to be held in the city of Belo Horizonte, from August 18 to 22, 2024.
This will be the fourth edition of Damsweek, which thus consolidates this new format of the main CBDB annual national event, concentrating in one week the traditional periodic events and alternative ones, some of which international, and therefore provides a diversity of technical topics for different audiences in the dam area, embracing those dedicated to water accumulation, mining or industrial waste dams.
In this way, Damsweek 2024 intends to bring to participants, among public and private agents working in engineering of dams, knowledge and discussions related to new technologies in tailings disposal, instrumentation, earthquakes, flood control and coping with droughts, dams for water supply – challenges and controversial topics, subjects that will be organized in specific events. Relevant parts of the program are: the technical exhibition, which gives the participants opportunity to learn about various products and services related to dams, and the Young Engineers Forum (YEF), a unique event that seeks to stimulate and prepare young professionals to gradually take on protagonism in the sector.
It is important to highlight the decisive participation of companies and institutions that sponsor and support Damsweek 2024, not not only for the prestige they confer to the event by lending their institutional identities, but for the material support granted, essential to its viability.
Finally, with Damsweek 2024, CBDB keeps its agenda related to the constant progress of national dam engineering, bringing together professionals, academics, companies and institutions working in the area in a technical conclave that aims to improve methodologies and practices related to the construction, operation and maintenence of dams, with environmental sustainability and employing new technologies that make dams safer, in order to meet the needs of society specially regarding water supply for multiple uses and mineral and industrial production, essential inputs to maintaining our modus vivendi.
Miguel Zydan Sória
Presidente do CBDB
Contato: damsweek@rhodeseventos.com.br |
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